Plant Sampling Is Important step in-plant testing. Take samples at different stages of growth for effective fertilization.
Basic knowledge of plant structure is necessary before collecting samples. A leaf sample is made up of a leaf "blade" and a "petiole". The petiole is stalk attached to the blade.
Most Recently Matured leaf is selected. Identify the sampling block.
Tag the plants or vines to be sampled and repeat the sample every time and every year from same tagged plant or vines.
Soil sample is a composite mixture of 8 to 12 sub samples.
If field contains more than one soil type i.e different texture, colour, drainage etc then soil should be collected separately for each difference.
Sub samples should be collected randomly across the production area to a depth of 8 to 10 inches for vegetable crops.
For perennial crops and vines crops soil sample should be collected as deep as 24 to 30 inch(till reach of last root)
Soil sample should be collected with less damaging their roots systems.
Soil sample should be collected aster harvesting for perennial crops and before planting for vegetables
Soil test values will vary season wise, so samples should be collected in subsequent years during the same season to comapre the results
For best results collect samples when the soil is relatively dry rather than after rain event or irrigation. Collect differnt soil samples for different in colour slope, drainage.
Soil pH and nutrients content have a direct effect on the health and productivity of fruits or vegetable plants, soil analysis indicates application of too mich of certain nutrients and also indicate defficiency of certain nutrients. By soil testing one can correct nutrient contents as per crops requirment.
After testing of soil one can contact crop Labs technical staff for further recommedations.
Plant analysis is very important & effective tool in agricultural industry soil testing & plant testing go hand in hand.
Plant analysis will show what nutrients the plant is taking up through the roots.rooting zone wheather the nutrients levels as adequate, deficient or toxic.
A soil test is limited to the depth of sampling unlike the plant analysis
Plant analysis can be done on regular basis at different stages of growth and data can be compared for last season to get effective results in future
Plant analysis can be done when problem or trouble observed by comparing "good" with bad area. Plant Submission form Plant Analysis Example Report
1)Soil Sampling Sampling Tools tools should be either stainless steel or wooden spade. Collect sample in dry, clean plastic container avoid galvanized container(Zinc Contamination)
2)Sampling Area Area that differ in colour, texture, treatment, slope, plant growth should be sampled separately. Avoid dead arrows, corners of filed end rows, area which are in shadows, poorly drained or have fertilizers dumped on them.
Stay 30 to 40 feet away from rodds, lanes when sampling
Perennial crops may be sampled by tagging specific trees or vines & returning to the same stations each time sampling is done.
1)Take 8 to 10 pits from 1 acre or 15 acre
2)Dig the soil upto 2 to 2.5 ft.
3)Take out all soil from pit & throw
4)Scratch the walls of pit & collect the sample in a clean bucket or container.
5)Mix soil from all pits on a clean paper or cloth.
6)Make four parts of collected soil
7)Mix soil sample from all pits on a clean paper or cloth or in bucket.
8)Make/Prepare four parts of collected and mixed soil sample.
9)Mix soil samples from all pits on a clean paper or clothe or in bucket.
10)Make /Prepare four part of collected and mixed soil sample.
11)Mix 2 parts of opposites corners.
12)Prepare two parts from step no.10
13)Again make 4 parts from saved part from step no.11
When Problems observed in Plants Like
1)Leaf yellowing
2)Colour patches on leaves
3)Orange or Reddish petiole
The picked leaf or petiole sample from problematic plants irrespctive of position or stage
and at same time take sample also from healthy plant from same position leaf problematic plant sample
1)For horticulture crops / any crop select healthy plant for sampling.
2)Select a block or area for sampling, sampling should be taken from same block and should represent single variety.
3)Mark/Number the healthy plants for sampling approx 150 to 200 plants.
4)Collect samples from all area of block so that sample should be representative of whole block.
5)Pick 1 or 2 leaf / petiole from each marked plant.
6)Total 150 to 250 leaves/petiole or heaving weight minimum 60 to 70 gm.
7)Plant sample should be collected preferably in the morning time for best result.
8)Samples should be taken from same block having uniform in age, spacing, soil & manipulations.
9)Avoid samples from end rows or end vein/plants.
10)Pick samples strictly after 72 hours of foliar spray(minimum 48 hrs).
11)Do not use plastic bags to ship plants samples to laboratory.
1)Prepare a map of the area to be covered in a survey showing different sampling unit boundries.
2)Enter a plan of the number of the samples and manner of composite sampling on the
map designating different fields by letters(A,B,C,D,etc).
3)Traverse each area separately.
4)Cut a slice of the plough layer at intervalsof 15-20steps or according to the area to be covered.
5)Generally depending on the size of the field 10-20 spots must be taken for composite sample.
6)Scrap away surface litter to obtain a uniformly thick slice of soil from the surface
to the plough depth from each spot.
7)Dig V shape/square shape in case of perinnial crops/standing crop fields.
8)Dig upto 15-30cm for vegetable crops and upto 15 to 60cm for perinnial crop depending upon root length.
9)Cut slice of the plough layer at interval of 15-20 steps or according to the area to be covered.
10)Generally depending on the size of the field 10-20 spots must be taken for one composite sample.
11)Make a V shaped cut with a space to remove 1 to 2cm slice of soil.
12)Collect the sample on the blade of the spade and put in a clean bucket.
13)In this way, collect samples from the spots marked for one sampling unit.
14)Pour the soil from the bucket onto a clean paper or cloth and mix it thoroughly.
15)Spread the soil evenly and divide it into quarters.
16)Reject two opposite quarts & mix the rest of soil again, repeat the process until left with about 750gm to 1Kg.
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